The flood in Emilia Romagna, in the recent days, have put, once again, in the spotlight the theme of climate change and how this may affect travelling.
In the last week, many of our travel agents called us asking for support or advice to provide the right and real information to their clients, travelling around Italy and finding themselves in dealing with long time waits in train stations or in roads blocked by overflown rivers, with their original, well planned itineraries forcibly changed, because the trip to Venice or to Florence or to Bologna was no longer possible on that specific day.

Climate change is now a fact, it is no longer something you may or may not believe in, and tourism professionals like us, must take it into account and serious consideration.
Having said that, how can we deal with it and make our client’s lifetime journey, still memorable, but in a positive and not in a negative way?
The team, the answer is still in the team, a group of professionals that will create a network, to support your client in any situation.
Once again and once more, booking through the OTAS will prove to be the wrong channel, since the human factor there, is reduced to a call line, if you are lucky, managed from a forsaken part of the world, that little will know about the situation, or worse, won’t have any tools or local connections to make the life of the tourist trapped in high, deep, waters and this time, not in a metaphorical sense… less miserable.

Of course, anything in travelling can create an experience, but no clients will ever wish to live such an experience at any time and would love to have someone able to help him or support him.
Massari Travel, though sadly unable to stop or foreseen this, has been contributing in the last decade, in developing an idea of sustainable, quality tourism that does take care of the environment, carefully selecting partners that apply environmental friendly procedures and practices, that seriously care for the environment, investing on the destination, on the local products, on a network of local suppliers that activate, on a daily basis, many a procedures of respect and care.
And though this is good, it is not enough and that’s why our on-site net of local drivers, suppliers, hotels, accommodations become a real, effective support for a client that will never find oneself alone dragging his or her own luggage in the mud or getting lost in a train station with no assistance because of a lack of electricity.
Our help line is active 24/h 7/7 and an English-speaking well-trained professional will be always at disposal for any emergency, help or need, you or your clients may have.
Together is the best way to be, as the old Turtle character used to say, in Never Ending Story, the famous fantasy movie dating back to some decades ago and we are here to be together with you. 💕
Call us : +39 06 4821873