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When I was a little girl, back when I used to love chocolate gelato paired with lemon and whipped cream, there was a question that I was frequently asked: “What would you like to be when you grow up?”. My first answer was always the same “I want to be an astronaut”. And here I could figure myself, wrapped in an improvised space suit, becoming the first citizen of a lunar colony.

I can still remember, like it was yesterday, a day, it was April 12th, 1981: I was almost 13 years old when the Space Shuttle’s first launch ended with 17 orbits after just over 2 days. But It obviously and sadly wasn’t me in command of the shuttle.

Some years later, while thinking about my frequent afternoon walks with my father, I had a real enlightenment regarding my future and I knew and felt deep in my heart what I wanted to be: “I want to be a travel agent just like my dad”. That was it and that is what I became. So, now, let me introduce myself, Sabrina Anna Massari, as the actual owner of Massari Travel, a Tour Operator born in 1967 thanks to my father (Lucio Massari)’s expertise and ideas.

My father is the one who taught me everything I know about tourism. I started out in 1987 as a simple secretary, extremely capable in the use of white-out or stamping vouchers 😊 After years of working up the ladder, from meeting and greeting clients at the airports, to never ending everyday tasks, to becoming my father’s right hand, until 2015 when I finally was recognized as the undisputed boss of the company.

Many years have passed. I no longer mix chocolate and lemon gelato. I much prefer coffee nowadays and no, I haven’t become a cosmonaut, although I did turn into an incurable cosmopolite. No, life has never left me sitting still and this might be attributed to my American mother’s upbringing, or to my father’s wandering spirit and it has made travelling become my mantra and my faith. A faith that the little girl that wanted to become an astronaut, wants now to share with YOU, ready as it is to guide you through new experiences and discoveries, just like those afternoon walks I spent holding my father’s hand.

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