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In the era of the wine apps where clients go and search for new wines and consequently new wine destinations on their own, relying more on the web than on the advice of their travel consultant, joining, DIVINO, the BTOB event  organized last November by NEBE PROMOTION AND COMMUNICATION, means to get in touch with and discover  new locations that are meant to be discovered by knowledgeable clients and tourists, so as to create new products that will appeal to your prospect clients.

Looking at the newest trends in the wine business, it is immediately clear how the market is oriented towards new, family run, businesses where wine id the product of passion and love for the place where the wine itself is produced.

The big players in the wine business have been presiding the market for such a long time that they have become a “law unto themselves” and this is where Tour Operators and DMCs like Massari Travel came into the game and go to regions like Umbria, Abruzzo, Campania e Puglia to find out more.

Experience is still and will be the key words in 2023, but experience must be related to authenticity, an authenticity created by normal people that may not be good enough to be number one on the socials or on the web, but are good enough to create a product that is good and does good to our body.

Good wines do good to our environment and to our bodies and a resposable drinking enhances the experience of the traveller.

That’s why Massari Travel,  has gone deep into the Italian provinces of Umbria, driving around the hilly tops of Gubbio, Perugia and Assisi, meeting with wine producers, creating with them direct connections that will prove true to your clients, when they will go and visit them, by providing them with the best, most authentic wine experience, far from the madding crowd and far from the super shiny cellars that are less and less focused on the human factor, being as they are super focused on the business that may come from the promotion and positioning of their wines.

That’s why Massari Travel has travelled extensively around Abruzzo and discovered in areas around Sulmona, wineries and small local wine producers that smell of wine and good wine derived products.

We have already done it for you so that you can make use of our knowledge and expertise to book a the best wine experience for your clients and the only thing you need is to get in touch with us and ask for quotations and destinations at