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Slow tourism is no longer a trend, it is a need. A need felt after Pandemic, much more than in the past. A need that urged us to reconnect with our inner self through experiences and travelling.

But what is the new pace in travelling?

It is the one dictated by the Francigena Way or by the many cycling paths that go up and the down the funny shape of this beautiful country that is Italy.

It is the one requested by our clients that want to experience food and wine not only from the big cellars, but also from the small, family run companies.

It is the one that makes you leave the life of the locals, learning their way of cooking, shopping, visiting, eating and drinking.

Statistics tell us that one tourist out of 4 has lived, in the last 2 years, at least one experience of slow tourism, visiting little, tine hamlets or trekking along the ancient path of the Romans throughout Italy and Europe, discovering or re-discovering what was left behind or neglected by the hordes of tourists that in the past, invaded beaches, mountains, cities and squares,

94% of the tourists born in the 1980s is looking for a sustainable way to visit the country, a way that will make him or her feel at ease with the environment and that he is not exploiting it, but enriching it with his presence.

Not an easy task for a tour operator that wants to keep up with its clients’ needs, but a great challenge that Massari Travel happily takes on since we strongly believe that a Tour Operator’s place is where its clients are.

Massari Travel is leading the way in this new form of tourism, exploring, suggesting destinations in Abruzzo, Umbria, Puglia, Emilia Romagna and Sicily and, much to everybody surprise, Tuscany, where we tend to think that everything has been already discovered, but that still has, hidden gems, around which the Massari Travel team has created a new “crown” of experiences.

Slow has become a synonym of quality and authenticity, that perfectly match with the clients’ needs of regaining a peace and quiet that seemed lost forever.

Walking experiences are among the most sought after ones, by clients that want to explore, and our super expert guides are able to walk you through villages and cities alike with the biggest smile on their faces, as it is in our CinqueTerre experience.

where the client can reach one of the 5 lands with a comfy, luxury, transfer and then, guided by a wonderful, English-speaking guide, can explore, through the narrow, crowded streets of Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, Riomaggiore or Monterosso.

There are so many books and publications and so much material on the Cinque Terre, that you may think…I can do it myself… but can you really get to know the producer of that tiny cellar that makes Sciacchetrà, that unique wine that is made only in this corner of Italy?

Can you really go and pick up the most perfumed basil leaves and make pesto with a pesto award winner on your own?

This is what Massari Travel is all about, about letting you live experiences that are not accessible to the world, unique ones because YOU are unique and we love making you feel so.